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Wexham School


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On Tuesday 18th October, Dr Michael Mulholland was welcomed to our school as a guest speaker for our Year 12 and 13 Scientist students. He spoke about his journey in becoming a GP and the journey he followed in becoming the Honorary Secretary of the Royal College of General Practitioners, he also spoke about the different career paths within the Healthcare sector. This was followed with a Q & A session with many varied questions being asked ranging from his views on euthanasia and the challenges faced by the NHS.

On Wednesday the 19th October our 6th Form students welcomed the CEO of General Electric, Mr David O’Neil and Ms Nathalie Morisset-Bouchard, they were given an inspirational TED talk, they learnt about apprenticeships and what they have to offer as well as vocational careers in STEM and alternative non STEM opportunities in this Blue Chip Company.