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Wexham School


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On Friday 22nd September, we welcomed back Jeremy Dry from 'Maximise your Potential', who delivered another excellent study skills and revision workshop to our Year 11 students in the assembly hall. Maximise your Potential work with schools up and down the country with the aim of equipping students with the necessary skills to boost their performance in examinations. From sharing tips to pick up extra marks to providing vital memory retrieval strategies, the session helped provide our Year 11's with a clearer understanding of how to be ready for the GCSE examinations in the Summer, and the PPE mock exams this November.

Jeremy was extremely positive about his, now, third visit to Wexham School and was thoroughly impressed with this year's Year 11, having this to say about them:


'Just a line to thank you and your colleagues for the warm welcome and support on Friday, not to mention your organisation and preparation beforehand. Your students were an absolute pleasure to work with.  Both groups were extremely well behaved, attentive throughout, and willing to get involved, as well.  They were a credit to themselves and to the school.'


As ever, we thank Jeremy for his excellent work again this year and for setting a good platform for our Year 11s to work from in this vital chapter in their education.