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Wexham School


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What is the Resource Base?

The Resource Base is for students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We work closely with a range of outside professionals when required, such as Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists etc. We also have a small sensory space to support those students with sensory needs.  

The Autism Resource Base supports students from Year 7 to Year 13. The aim of the ARB is for students to achieve appropriate academic qualifications and to develop life skills necessary to become a member of society.

The Resource Base students are very much part of the wider school, taking part in whole school initiatives and access some of the subject specific classrooms and being taught by those subject specialist teachers. It is the expectation that students attend 70% of their mainstream lessons. We also run interventions in small groups, usually led,  which are planned based on the cohorts needs.

We look for opportunities for students to develop their skills and experience new things by undertaking a range of school trips to support their classroom-based learning, and we offer an extended phase transition programme where students can develop their independence and life skills.

All students in our Resource Base have an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) and if you would like to apply for a place, you will need to talk to your child’s Primary School SENCO during their Annual Review and request our provision. The council will then hold discussions with us about whether our provision would be appropriate.

If you are interested in your child attending our Resource Base and would like further information, please contact Lucy Metcalfe, SENDCo via  or call 01753 526797.