Year 7 Windsor Castle Trip
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Last week we took all of Year 7 to Windsor Castle and demonstrates the school's commitment to ensuring all students can experience part of our local history. We believe that learning about our history and the history of Britain is a vital ingredient in the education of children at Wexham School.
Despite living and working in this part of the world for 7 years I had never been to Windsor Castle and was as excited as many of the students to go and see where the Queen lives! For many this was their first trip to Windsor Castle too. We arrived by coach at around 9.30 and walked up to the castle, unfortunately the Union Jack, and not the Royal Standard, was flying which meant the Queen was not in residence the days we were there.
The students had a full day exploring the castle in groups of 10. We went along the ramparts, through the state rooms and the into the chapel where we saw Henry VIII's grave stone. I think the students really enjoyed the day. They also learnt a lot too.Through out the two days students were a credit to the school- I was particularly impressed with their uniform. They asked some excellent questions to the staff from school as well as staff at Windsor castle. I am sure they will remember this school trip for a long time into the future and it will be one of the many fond memories of Wexham School they have in years to come.
I would also like to thank the History Department and in particular Ms Cole for organising the trip as well as the Headteacher Mr Smith for allowing (and funding) all the students to attend.
Mr Birch Senior Leader of Humanities
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