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Wexham School

Wexham School
Sports College

Opportunity Inspiration Success


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On Wednesday 21st June a group of 21 Year 8 students took part in the National Physical Laboratory Water Rocket Challenge. The competition was held in Teddington. This was a national event and a fantastic opportunity for the students to showcase their STEM skills. The day was a great success and complemented their existing KS3 learning, while also providing them with valuable experience in scientific enquiry.

The students were enthusiastic and engaged throughout the day, demonstrating their passion for science and technology. They worked tirelessly to design and build their water rockets, and their hard work paid off as they achieved impressive results in the competition. The event was a great way for the students to develop their skills and knowledge in STEM subjects, and they left feeling inspired and motivated to continue their studies. A

  • Anmul 'I learned a lot of this about Rockets and had lots of fun'
  • Sahil    'I think it was super cool'
  • Sania   ' I enjoyed competing with other schools and seeing their Rocket designs'
  • Sandra ' Thank you everyone for organising this trip