Chemistry for All: Forensics club
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‘Chemistry for All’ is a five-year £1 million research project sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry. The University of Reading, in partnership with the University of Southampton, is one of four university teams selected to explore how best to inspire students to study chemistry. Wexham School has been chosen by the Reading and Southampton team to work with them on this exciting project.
The project will be looking at the impact of delivering sustained outreach activities to students as they progress through from Year 8 to Year 12 of secondary school or college. The project will run from 2015 to 2019. The main aim of the project is to determine the effectiveness of regular and long-term interventions on the uptake of chemistry compared with isolated one-off enhancement events more commonly delivered in schools. Our target demographic is students who are currently under-represented in chemistry such as female students and students for whom English is not the first language.
Over the five years the Reading-Southampton team will be delivering a wide programme of activities including demonstration lectures, after-school clubs, careers sessions, industry visits, chemical challenges, community events and teacher continuing professional development (CPD) all designed to develop students’ interest and skills in chemistry and to enhance students’ understanding of the wide variety of career choices available to chemists and the various qualification routes available. The project team are working with enthusiastic university student ambassadors and professional chemists to deliver these exciting activities in school.