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Wexham School

Wexham School
Sports College

Opportunity Inspiration Success


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June 2021

  • 18/06/21

    Delay to Surge Testing in Slough

    A delay to surge testing in Slough has been announced by East Berkshire Public Health. Please see letter below. 
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  • 14/06/21

    Surge Testing in Slough

    Surge testing for the new Delta variant of Coronavirus will commence in Slough this week. Please see attached letter from PHE East Berkshire.
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  • 06/06/21

    Reintroduction of face masks/coverings from 7th June

    In discussion with Slough Local Authority and PHE from Monday 7th June I am reintroducing the compulsory wearing of face masks/coverings inside buildings for the foreseeable for all students and staff unless they are exempt. Large numbers of students continued to wear face masks which was very good...
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  • 05/06/21

    A guide to regular rapid Covid-19 testing

    All parents that have consented to test their children at home via the test kits the school provides must test twice a week. Results must be uploaded to NHS Test and Trace. Inform the school if it is positive, isolate immediately and book a PCR test to confirm this result.  Reporting th...
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