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Wexham School

Wexham School
Sports College

Opportunity Inspiration Success

BBC Bitesize and Oak National Academy

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BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons

To access this please click or search for BBC Bitesize and select the Daily Lessons option. There are a number of lessons in several subjects posted each day for your child to work through online. There is also an option to watch 20 minute lessons on BBC through the ‘red button’ on your remote.  To make use of these resources select the right year group for you child and then explore the content available.

Oak National Academy

To access this site please click or search for Oak National Academy. Again this site has several lessons each day that include learning content and resources for your child to work through. Select the right year group for your child and explore the content for each day.

Both of these online resources are created by teachers using the National Curriculum and so cover topics that are relevant to your child’s learning. There may be content that your child has already covered, this is fine as it acts as revision and a chance to go back over prior learning. Some of the content will be new and will help your child to develop some new knowledge. Please do not worry if your child does not understand everything as, once schools re-open, we will be working with students to cover all the key areas of learning they require.