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Wexham School

Wexham School
Sports College

Opportunity Inspiration Success


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To find out more about the curriculum at Wexham School please contact Ms Ruth Corrie, Acting Deputy Headteacher.

For more details on each subject, please click on DEPARTMENTS. 

Key Stage Three

All students in Year 7, 8 and 9 follow a broad and balanced programme of study that includes English, Maths, Science, MFL, Humanities, Creative Arts, Technology, ICT, PE and PSHE.

Key Stage Four

At the end of Year 9 students make choices about which subjects they will study for GCSE. In Year 10 they begin to study the skills and knowledge required of these GCSE courses alongside a compulsory curriculum including English, Maths, Science, PE, ICT, RE and PSHE.

We encourage students to opt for EBAC subjects (a language and either History or Geography) but this is not compulsory for all to encourage choice. We also run a more tailored curriculum for some of our students who may struggle with the academic demands of a full complement of GCSEs subjects.

Key Stage Five

A broad programme of study is available to students entering our Sixth Form. This is tailored to meet the needs of different students. Please see the Sixth Form section of the website for further details, course options and enrolment procedures.

The Intent of our Curriculum

To ensure the curriculum on offer from Years 7 to 13 is broad, encompassing as wide a range of subjects and experiences, balanced to meet the needs of all students as well as the requirements of the National Curriculum. The curriculum will ensure flexible pathways are available for all students to progress successfully from Key Stage Three and into Key Stage Four and then into Key Stage Five.

We are committed to a curriculum that encompasses and offers the Creative and Performing Arts and Technology subjects, taught to all students in Key Stage Three and fully available as GCSE or vocational options in Key Stage Four. We value all subjects equally and recognise that different students require different subjects to achieve both progression and success. This variety and flexibility in our curriculum offer enables us to meet the needs of all our students.

In addition we ensure our curriculum:

  • is broad, balanced and develops knowledge and understanding regardless of ability, gender, ethnic origin or social background
  • is challenging and inspiring, enabling students to reach the highest possible level of academic success and personal growth
  • helps students to be happy and secure in their learning environment
  • strengthens students‘ capacity to learn by developing positive attitudes towards challenges, allowing students to think creatively, independently and rationally
  • promotes self-confidence, perseverance and self-discipline, and the skills of performance, critical thinking and collaboration
  • allows students to develop a deep rooted understanding of, and respect for, core British values and the wide range of cultures they are surrounded by
  • provides students with a sense of success through their achievements
  • provides significant wider learning opportunities, which are open to all students