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Wexham School

Wexham School
Sports College

Opportunity Inspiration Success


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Wexham School is a culturally diverse school with 54% of the school cohort speaking English as an Additional Language. About forty-two languages are spoken at home among our students, who come from different ethnic backgrounds.

Students who have recently arrived in the UK attend an induction programme for about five lessons per week. This is designed to provide pupils with the basic skills necessary for participation within the mainstream. In addition, there is language support for bilingual pupils with EAL needs through a less intensive withdrawal programme. A variety of differentiated learning resources can be introduced, increasing access to the curriculum.

At KS4, students take up AQA Functional Skills in English Level 1 Course which is a recognised qualification in establishing the English Language competency and honoured by Colleges and Sixth Forms. In addition, students who have a full fluency in chosen languages, have the opportunity to sit GCSEs in Community Languages. EAL is a growing need within our students and we are further developing the support we have on offer to them.