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Wexham School

Wexham School
Sports College

Opportunity Inspiration Success


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We believe

Our students learn to

Our students leave us

Learning is the most important reason for being at the School.

Nothing should stop learning


Teachers and students are active participants in the Learning Process.


Have a passion for learning.


Act in a way which never disrupts learning.


Take responsibility for their learning and work with us to improve themselves.


Having developed the skills and aptitudes that will achieve future success.

Wanting to continue their education, skills or training.


Able to learn effectively and with the resilience to continue doing so.

No matter what the starting point, outstanding progress is achievable by all.


There are no limits, no shortcuts and no excuses.

Overcome any barriers to success and achieve at the highest level possible.


Recognise their ambitions and talents focus.


With the qualifications and determination needed to reach their ambitions.


To be able to release their talents to become positive role models in society.

In our School Community all people are of equal value and feel valued by all.

Disadvantage is not a barrier to success.


Respect others and respect themselves.

Acquire the personal and social skills they need to participate in different situations.

Able to function effectively in any area of society and as part of a community.

Feeling confident in a variety of situations.

Education gives us freedom.


Pursue a sense of self-worth in others that is not linked to possessions or status.

Able to make responsible choices and to fulfil their potential.