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Wexham School

Wexham School
Sports College

Opportunity Inspiration Success

Year 7

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Welcome to Year 7

The year 7 pastoral team is made up of a nurturing team of teaching and non-teaching staff led by the Assistant Headteacher (pastoral). Every child is assigned a Form Tutor whose role is to get to know each student and is the first port of call for both students and parents. Ordinarily, a student’s form tutor will stay with them as they progress through the school, building a positive relationship. Form tutors monitor home learning, school uniform and attendance as well as discussing behaviour (both positive and negative) with the members of their form group.

The Head and Assistant Head of year 7 induct and support new students. They work with form tutors to ensure that high standards kept within the year group. All staff are committed to knowing every student and to providing the support and guidance they need to ensure that every individual is able to succeed as well as they can, both academically and personally. High quality pastoral care is part of our overall core curriculum at Wexham School.


Students at Wexham are mentored at various times during their school career in order for them to reach their potential; this may be by older students, their form tutor, members of the year team or by the school mentors.  A further important part of our team is the Attendance team who monitor absence and punctuality.

Students in year 7 are also part of the network of school counsellors across all of the year groups. Students democratically elected form representatives and a year representative.  As part of the school council students are able to voice the opinions of their peers, actively discuss their experiences within the classroom and take part in new staff interviews. Students develop leadership skills, and advocacy enabling students to develop the skills required to be an active citizen of the school and in their wider communities in years to come.

In year 7 students are taking part in inter house competitions across a variety of subjects. These competitions range from dodge ball to STEM competitions.  During Year 7 students have the opportunity to particpiate in a Maths interform group challenge.

Students are able to attend many afterschool clubs, and we have many popular clubs which include Football, Basketball, Art club and reading clubs in the library. Students are encouraged to take part in enrichment activities to enhance and support their learning experiences here at Wexham.


At Wexham we have agreed a number of factors which each subject should consider when making content choices; it’s utility, it’s social and cultural importance; its relevance to the lives of our students, both now and in the future; and its provenance – our curriculum should reflect both the communities we serve and look beyond them.

Students have the opportunity to experience learning outside of the classroom.  External visits include whole year group trips as well as subject specific trips.  Students’ successes are celebrated half termly during end of term reward assemblies.  Student achievements are rewarded using a range of reward schemes, prizes, reward trips, celebratory lunches and breakfasts which inspires our students to want to achieve and progress in their learning.


It is important that young people feel happy, supported and cared for in order to achieve their best in the classroom. We work hard to create a culture of high aspirations throughout the year group.  We set ambitious targets for every student.  Our aim is to integrate Year 7 students into our school community and develop the year group into students who demonstrate our values of ambition and success, high standards and exceptional academic achievement every day.                                            Mrs Aslam -  Leader of Year 7

Let’s hear from some of our Year 7 Tutors:

One of the most enjoyable aspects of working at Wexham school, is being a form tutor. Especially when you take a Year 7 group all the way through to Year 11, seeing the students grow from young children and become young independent adults is absolutely amazing.  It is a role with great responsibility and does require time and effort to get it right. But once the routines are established it becomes fun!                                                                                                                                                       Mrs R Basharat – Year 7 Form Tutor and Staff Governor

Let’s hear from some of our Year 7 students:

I like Year 7 because the teachers are nice and kind, the French teacher is respectful and kind and the students that I have met are very nice, so I recommend this school to you!  Robert – Year 7 Student

I think form time is really good. The school is nice and I have had no problems with it so far. The people here are kind.  Also form time is good because we do different things each day so it is not boring.  Kiran (7Br) – Year 7 Student

I like Wexham school because of the friendly teachers and also because I have friends in school.  I think Wexham school is a very nice school with big buildings that fascinate me. Jessica – Year 7 student